Payment Methods
Payment Methods | Vitinor
At Vitinor, we provide a range of secure and convenient payment options to ensure a smooth shopping experience. Below, you’ll find details on our accepted payment methods, processing times, and legal information, compliant with Austrian e-commerce regulations (FAGG, DSGVO, and AGB requirements).
1. Accepted Payment Methods
Credit & Debit Cards (via Stripe)
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Maestro
Payments via Stripe are securely processed using SSL encryption. Your card details are never stored on our servers.
Online Payment Services
- PayPal – Secure transactions with Buyer Protection
- Stripe – Fast and encrypted online payments.
Both PayPal and Stripe offer quick, secure checkout without sharing your financial details with us.
2. Bank Transfer
Direct Bank Transfer (SEPA) – Payment in advance required
Bank Details:
- Account Holder: Vital Ingredients WA GmbH
- IBAN: AT37 2011 1848 1680 5900
- Bank Name: Erste Bank
Payment Reference: Your Order Number
Please note: Orders paid via bank transfer will be processed only after we receive the payment (1–3 business days).